Based on how they formed, you can distinguish three types of rock. They are usually easy to distinguish. These three rocks are part of the rock cycle. These rocks can be referred to as Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous rocks. Although they may look very different from one another, all of them are made of minerals. Magma is cooled and crystallized to form igneous rocks. The plastic asthenosphere, which is a layer beneath the Earth’s core, is where magma forms. There are two types igneous rocks: extrusive and intrusive. Intrusive rocks are crystallized below Earth’s Surface. The slow cooling causes the formation of large crystals. Granite and gabbro are two examples of intrusiveigneous rocks. Gabbro, like granite, is very similar. However gabbro is darker and contains more olivine and penyroxene. Granite has mostly quartz.

Extrusive igneous is the other type. They erupt in the surface and quickly cool down to form small crystals. Sometimes, they cool quickly enough to form amorphous glasses. Obsidian and basalt are two examples of these rocks. Basalt, a dark-colored extrusive igneous rocks with fine grains, is primarily composed of plagioclase (pyroxene) and basalt. Obsidian also has a dark color and cools quickly so no crystals are formed. Hot spots, divergent boundaries and subduction zones are all where igneous rock formations occur. Igneous rocks comprise most of Earth’s continental and oceanic crusts. Sedimentary Rock is the second part of the rock cycle. The accumulation of sediments creates the second rock in the rock cycle, called Sedimentary rock. There are three kinds of sedimentary rock: chemical, organic, and clastic. Mechanical weathering debris creates clastic sedimentary rocks. Breccia and sandstone are examples of clastic stones. Chemical sedimentary is the second type. They are formed when dissolved materials precipitate out of solution. Iron ore, limestone, and flint are examples of chemical sedimentary rock. The organic rock is last sedimentary rocks. It is formed from the accumulations of animal or plant debris. The organic sedimentary rocks also contain limestone, just like chemical sedimentary rocks. The coolness of sedimentary rocks is what makes them different from igneous. They are usually born underwater. They are laid in layers of clay or sandy-like materials. Some of them might still contain signs of life such as tracks, fossils, and ripples. One of the main features of sedimentary rocks is their inability to change much once they become rock.

The Metamorphic rocks are the final and last class of rock. They form when igneous and sedimentary rock are metamorphosed underground. Heat, pressure and fluids are the main ingredients that create metamorphose stones. Great heat and pressure are the main ingredients of all metamorphic rocks. They are often strong rocks. They can be made from different minerals. High heat and pressure can cause foliated metamorphic rock formations. These rocks are known as schist and gneiss. Low heat and pressure results in non-foliated rock. All three of these rocks are vital. All three rocks are part of the same rock cycle. However, they each have their own unique characteristics. They all have very distinct characteristics that can help you distinguish them.


  • paulwallace

    Paul Wallace is a 44-year-old anthropology professor and blogger. He has been writing about anthropology and other topics for over a decade. He has also taught anthropology at the college level for over a decade.

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